Ternyata Caro itu adalah game baru yang dirilis oleh AppWorld untuk pemakai BlackBerry yang ingin main dengan teman-teman di BBM jarak jauh. Permainannya tidak susah karena game Caro ini adalah game berkategori TicTacToe yang mudah dimainkan oleh siapapun.
Kamu bisa mengajak teman-teman, pacar, mama, papa dan orang-orang yang kamu kenal untuk saling mendekatkan diri dan menghabiskan waktu.
Game Caro adalah termasuk menentang strategi kita. Untuk bisa bermain Caro, di BlackBerry kamu sudah harus terinstal BBM versi 6, jika hanya versi 5, kamu tidak bisa pakai Caro.
Caro itu gratis, kamu bisa download langsung dari handset BlackBerry curve, torch, javellin, bold dan seri-seri lain yang juga mendukung versi BBM 6. Berikut ini adalah spesifikasi lengkap permainan Caro BlackBerry dari AppWorld:
Caro is a TicTacToe like game with 15×15 grid field and 5 same symbols in a row will win.(Row, Column, Diagonal)
With BBM Social Platform integration, Caro allows BBM friends playing with each other.
Users can see their scores and their opponents scores while playing.
Users can add Caro profile box into BBM Profile to let friends see their recent activities from Caro.( Home Screen – Go to BBM – Menu – Options – BBM Connected Applications – Application Access – Edit – Caro – Edit – Check the “Post recent activities to my profile” option)
- Main features:
+ After 90 seconds if it’s your turn and you don’t make a move then the game will automatically end and you are considered as loser.
+ After 90 seconds if the other player doesn’t make a move then the game will automatically end and you are considered as winner.
+ You can share or hide your PIN from the Ranking Page. Share PIN will get more friends and play, but it might also is really annoying, then you can hide your PIN at anytime you want.
+ A short vibration notification when there is a new move from the other player.
+ A short vibration notification when a network game is started.
+ Count down 90 seconds is shown on the bottom left corner of the screen.
+ AdText has been added to the bottom of the screen.
Changes log
+ A short vibration notification when there is a new move from the other player.
+ A short vibration notification when a network game is started.
+ Count down 90 seconds is shown on the bottom left corner of the screen.
+ AdText has been added to the bottom of the screen.
. BIS/BES with usable BBM 6
. BlackBerry® ID(For sign in)
. Internet connection
. OS 5.0++
. BBM 6.0++
. Support devices (93xx, 85xx, 89xx, 9000, 95xx, 96xx, 97xx, 98xx, 99xx, 91xx)
How to play?Sumber
• Menu – Invite friends to play
• Menu – Invite friends to download
• Menu – Top Winners: view rank
• Menu – Share/Hide my PIN: Your PIN is visible/invisible on Ranking page
• Use trackpad/trackball/touch for your turn.
• Win when you have a line with 5 mark standing close together
• Draw when field was full
• Press C or in Menu options – Send Chat for Chatting in game.
• Status bar is shown on top.
• Win, Lose, Draw of your archivement on next Row
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